Sound Healing Meditations and Self-Awareness

Sound Healing Meditations at a basic level allow us to release feelings of stress, anxiety, and physical pain from our bodies. In the bigger picture, the facilitator intentionally works with sound and vibration to create binaural frequencies to allow the mind to enter deeper brainwave states in order to experience true rest. We create a safe space for participants to tune into their Self in a new and different way and let go of the outside world. We return our focus inward and listen to the messages that the body is giving us. The sessions provide the opportunity to be aware of the internal dialogue in our mind, allowing us the chance to change it if we find the voices in our head to be unaligned with how we truly feel. These sessions offer a complete reset of the nervous system and energy of the body and mind.

Watch the video with our founder, Jessica Neideffer, sharing the principles in this interactive workshop at the UT Mental Health Conference in August 2023.